Chat is a form of communication in which conversations consist of a real-time stream of short text messages. Because sent messages immediately appear on the screen of chat participants and can be responded to immediately, it is an accessible and fast way of textual interaction between individuals or with an organization.
The English verb to chat can literally be translated as talking or chatting. English therefore refers to online chat to distinguish digital chatting from ordinary conversation.
Chatting past and present
There are several ways to chat. One technology is Internet Relay Chat (IRC), an Internet protocol for chatting and also a global network of chat channels. In addition, chat rooms set up within Web portals or separate Web sites were quite popular in the 1990s.
Most chat services use the Internet, but text messaging can also be seen as a form of chatting. Especially in the past, there are also (paid) services based on chatting via text message.
Nowadays, we see that chatting is mainly used for socializing. Instead of meeting, calling or emailing each other, messaging services like WhatsApp have become the most popular way to communicate with our family, friends and colleagues.
Chatting with companies
Many companies offer the opportunity to get in touch through well-known messaging services and through the messaging features of social media such as Twitter and Facebook. Most conversations involve questions about products or services or customers asking for support with a problem or a solution to a complaint.
Some companies offer inside on their website the possibility to chat live with an employee through special plug-ins. Increasingly, this involves using a chatbot instead of an employee, which may or may not have been developed specifically for the company.