Web hosting
Also known as: hosting
Web hosting ensures that Web sites are continuously available on the Web. A hosting provider (usually) manages several Web servers that are connected to the Internet through high-speed lines 24 hours a day. They offer subscriptions to rent a piece of space on these servers to store the files on your Web site.
Hosting solutions come in different flavors. Having a website hosted can be as little as a few dollars per month. Customers with a business website will value good accessibility and speed of their website and good support with their subscription. In that case, the extra cost of this will definitely pay for itself.
When a Web site attracts many visitors, or an online application needs more processing power for complicated calculations, another option is to rent an entirely dedicated Web server. A collection of Web servers set up specifically to download static files as quickly as possible is called a content delivery network(cdn).
Often, when you purchase a hosting service, it is possible to register a domain name right away.