Source code
A source code or source code is a code that can be used as software. The source code is written by and readable by other people. It contains code that can be used as software for a specific platform. The source code is often the original file of the software. So often the source code contains notes about the functionality and workings of the code.
We have already established that source code makes it possible for a thing to work. But what exactly are source codes? The most important kind of source codes are HTML codes of Web sites. Source code represents the construction of the Web site in HTML. It is the foundation of a Web page. Website builders and programmers develop this code, but they also use it to find errors. You can find a Web site's source code by pressing the keyboard shortcut "ctrl + U." On Mac computers, this is "cmd + alt + U."
Source code and SEO
The source code also contains some aspects that help with the SEO of your website. If you are concerned with SEO, you are familiar with the term "meta." For a page, it is possible to include a meta description and meta title. The crawlers of Google and other search engines use this meta information to display your website in search results. The source code shows the source (sources) of a website. That is, which of the following elements it consists of:
- HTML codes (The foundation of the website)
- CSS codes (Website layout, such as font color and size)
- Javascript (For interactive dynamics and motion effects)
Open and closed source code
Although the source code contains the original software code, it is possible to modify it. The result will then logically change as well. For this, the programmer must put clear notes in the source code. In fact, there are often more than one person working on the project. They must all understand what is in the text. A source code that is editable and made public is also called an open source code. Even if the code is made public, you must have permission from the right holder to modify the source code.