Keyword density
Keyword density, also known as keyword density, is the number of times a keyword appears in a text relative to the total number of words as a percentage. While setting up a page, it is important to have a good website structure to be better indexed by search engine bots. In addition, using keywords is also important for your findability. To find out if your website is search engine optimized, you can look at the keyword density of your website. Suppose in a text of 500 words you have 10 occurrences of a keyword is the keyword density:
( 10 : 500 ) x 100% = 2%.
Processing keywords
Using keywords is necessary for your search engine optimization, but too many keywords is not allowed. Unnatural language is penalized by Google, so a text must be easy to read for both the user and Google's search engine bots and crawlers. In general, a keyword density between 1% and 3% is good, but there are a number of tips for smartly incorporating keywords so that they are more valuable:
- Put the keyword in the H1 and H2
- Use the keyword in the first and last sentence page
- Your keyword is the main subject of the text
- Incorporate the keyword naturally into the text
- Use synonyms of the keyword (this helps Google)
Measuring keyword density yourself
You can't measure keyword density in a Word document, unfortunately. You do this on the page itself because not only the text counts. The entire content of the page on which the text appears is important. The text in the footer, menu, margin and other parts of the page fall within the keyword density. Fortunately, there are several tools to measure the density of your keywords:
- SEOBook toolbar
- Keyword density checker