
Why advertise on Marketplace Admarkt?

Good question, because people mainly search for used products through the platform. At least, that's what you would think. In practice, it turns out that people just search for products. Whether they are secondhand or new doesn't really matter. As long as your product meets all the consumer's requirements, you have just as good a chance as Carla's Marketplace ad three blocks away. Maybe even bigger!

Millions of potential buyers
Millions of potential buyers

Marketplace has thousands - if not millions - of visitors every day. There are a lot of potential buyers among them. To be sure.

High conversions
High conversions

Marketplace visitors are already ready to buy. So you don't have to convince them first. That makes Admarkt incredibly effective.

Smaller competition
Smaller competition

Marketplaces like or Amazon hardly advertise on Marktplaats. So you are often only competing with smaller companies!

Our working method

Step 1 - Analyze

We first check what exactly your target audience is looking for and where there are opportunities. That's how we increase the chances of success.

Set up account
Step 2 - Set up account

We set up an account for Marktplaats Business or immediately set everything up to advertise with Admarkt Pro. Whatever you want!

Creating campaigns
Step 3 - Create campaigns

We select the right categories and write smart titles and descriptions. Or we'll load your entire product feed right away.

Monitoring & adjusting
Step 4 - Monitoring & adjusting

We want to know what works. What runs well. So do you. That's why we monitor results and adjust where necessary.

More than 100 entrepreneurs went before you. From ZZP to multinationals.

Social deal
Schools on the map

We are oma

Also for increased brand awareness

Yes, we are using Marketplace Admarkt for your products. Or services. But we are just as happy to design and place a few effective banners to attract the attention of your target audience. To put your company, products or services in the spotlight. This way, potential buyers get to know you and/or your company. That way you always have an edge over Carla from three blocks away (sorry, Carla).

Get in touch
Marketplace Admarkt

And it could be even better...

Advertising to a buying audience of millions. That must cost something. But on Marktplaats Admarkt, in many cases, it's not so bad. You often pay per click. Only for people who are actually interested in your products or services. Your budget is not absorbed by useless impressions. Exactly what makes the ROI of Marketplace ads so good.

Get in touch
Marketplace Admarkt

Do you want to advertise on Marketplace?

Yes, of course you want to. We know how to really get the most out of it, and we're happy to help. If you want to do it yourself and if you want to outsource.

Get in touch

OMA's latest reviews

Review Kim Stein
"Daniel is blood fanatic, purposeful and keenly aware of the influence of a good website. Give that boy a soccer at times and he comes into his own."
Kim Stein - Owner - Entrepreneurs in Business
Review Victor Mooren
"The investment of a lifetime in terms of SEO marketing. The free SEO scan he offered was very valuable to figure out how to take my website and content to the next level."
Victor Mooren - Founder -
Review Marieke Stuivenberg
"At Tesqua, we enjoy helping people achieve their athletic goals. We do this based on our strategy of "surprisingly personal & surprisingly versatile." This is how we came in contact with OMA. In a tremendously personal way, Daniel and the team at OMA help us achieve our digital goals."
Marieke Stuivenberg - Owner of Tesqua
Review Wim speek
"Fine partner to work with!"
Wim speek - Owner at HRM Profiles
Review John Giezen
"Daniel Kuipers = SEO. I attended a customized highly professional Online Marketing in-house training with Daniel. The training gives you all the baggage to then make a flying start on your own at already an extremely high online marketing level. I enjoyed this quality training given by a very knowledgeable pleasant personality."
John Giezen - Head of Marketing & Communications - NIZO
Review Roel Spans
"OMA has been our marketing agency for the online experience of Vormz for some time now. They help us with the website, blogs, SEO and always come up with innovative ideas. We are very satisfied. Visitor numbers on the website are increasing and we are really being found much better in Google."
Roel Spans - Owner Vormz
Review Paul Tribe
"Daniel is a true specialist, his knowledge is vast. What he does is demonstrably reflected in our traffic and interaction on the website. And with his transparent, methodical but above all proactive way of working, he also delivers service. A super partner to work with!"
Paul Stam - Marketing Manager - Lassie
Review Walter Jurrius
"In OMA I have found a fine agency with driven professionals who keep their appointments neatly, nothing but praise! I will remain a customer for a while."
Walter Jurrius -
Review Jasper LeSuis
"Daniel (along with his rapidly growing team) is a gem within the online marketing world! Full of knowledge, enthusiastic, driven, result-oriented and just a really nice guy. I am happy that we have been working together on the online marketing of for some time now."
Jasper LeSuis - Owner ViaVector
Review Emiel Wessels
"'A great example that you don't always need a lot of money to grow something explosively. By doing the right things and investing time you can get there too!'"
Emiel Wessels -
Review Paul van Rijn
"We got to know Daniel as an inspired entrepreneur. Because we were still unfamiliar with this form of branding, it was nice that Daniel took us by the hand here. Through monthly reports from and contacts with him, we quickly got a better feel for the whole thing."
Paul van Rijn - Founder of BVR Advies
Review Stichting koffieluitjes Ede
"For the Koffieluitjes Ede Foundation, OMA makes monthly unpaid hours. For example, they help with our website, but also think along with our social media. They think along with fun, playful actions that we can use to give our foundation more visibility and that may generate more donations. We experience the cooperation as very nice!"
Stichting koffieluitjes Ede -