Also called: XML sitemap
A sitemap is an overview of (practically) all Web pages within a Web site. The sitemap is thus an addition to the regular navigation within a website. There are two types of sitemaps: as a web page visible to the visitor and as an XML file intended for search engines.
The sitemap in the form of a web page provides a schematic representation of the website to the visitor. The visitor can then use this HTML sitemap to reach any page within the website.
Sitemaps intended for search engines are special XML files that conform to the Sitemaps protocol. These sitemaps also list all pages within a Web site. To these lists can be added information about the relative importance of a page within the site and the date the page was last updated.
Providing a search engine sitemap does not necessarily improve search engine findability. These sitemaps are especially valuable for very large websites and websites whose navigation or application of certain exotic techniques prevent search engine spiders from optimally searching the site.