H2 header
An H2 header, also known as a "Heading 2" or "H2 heading," is a formatting element used in HTML and other word processing programs to indicate the hierarchy and structure of a document. It is often used to indicate the title of a section or part of a page.
H2 header explained
The term "H2" refers to the second level of headers in HTML. HTML headers have six levels(H1 to H6), with H1 having the highest hierarchy and H6 the lowest. An H2 header indicates a slightly lower hierarchy than an H1 header and is often used to indicate subsections within an H1 title. H2 headers help readers and search engines understand and quickly navigate the content of a document. They are often used in Web pages and blog posts to organize the text into sections and highlight important topics. Using H2 headers improves readability and makes it easier for users to scan the information and find relevant sections they want to read.