Sharper model
The sharper model is an online marketing frame aimed at making the essence of online conversion more insightful. It is a model that is an important part of the book "Handbook of Conversion and Customer journey mapping" written by Dutch online marketer Patrick Petersen. The term "SCHERPER" is therefore an abbreviation of the words scan, channels, helpful, engagement, relationship, proof, E-commerce and retention. This is based on the following meaning of the eight specific terms:
- Scan: Consumers scan content on various channels.
- Channels: The conversion path can be multichannel, cross-channel or omnichannel.
- Helpful: The first contact with the customer is to build the relationship that will last throughout the customer journey.
- Engagement: Expanding consumer engagement.
- Relation: The focus should be on a long-term relationship.
- Proof: Recommendations should give a brand, product or company more credit (Soft Conversion).
- E-commerce: Hard conversion goals should be set in the form of downloads, leads or sales realized.
- Retention: Loyalty must be rewarded. High quality service and commitment from the provider is key.