Conversion optimization
Also called: conversion rate optimization or CRO
Conversion optimization is an umbrella term that refers to the techniques used to get the maximum result from a website or web shop or to increase its efficiency. In practice, this mainly refers to converting a visitor into a customer or lead. After all, the good findability of a webshop or website is only the first step in achieving the ultimate goal. The techniques applied in conversion optimization are essential to ensure that the visitor actually takes the action formulated as the objective of the web page.
Techniques that can be applied in conversion rate optimization (CRO)
The techniques that can be applied in conversion rate optimization (CRO) mainly relate to the removal of all functional and technological obstacles that may hinder the realization of the intended objective. In addition, comparative(A/B testing) can be used to determine whether value proposition obstacles play a role or intuitive/emotional obstacles play a role. This can include using the insights from Google Analytics to provide insight into the behavior of visitors on a web page or website. Among other things, this can be used to track which web pages are visited, at what point visitors drop out and whether a web shop or website is working properly. Conversion optimization is therefore making adjustments to the digital platform in order to improve the conversion rate.
Formula to determine conversion rate
The conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who actually take the desired action. This percentage is easy to determine. How to do this we will make clear with a simple example:
Out of 250 visitors to a website, 10 visitors make a purchase.
The conversion rate is then 4%. You calculate this by dividing the number of orders (10) by the number of visitors (250) and multiplying this by 100%.
The formula looks like this: (10 / 250) x 100 = 4% conversion rate