Display marketing
All ads visible on social media pages and websites represent display marketing. Even though there are different ways of display marketing, the principle remains the same. Display marketing includes anything that is displayed. This can be text, banners, images, gifs or videos.
The most well-known form of display marketing is banners. This includes text search results on Google. Depending on the platform you want to use display marketing on, you have to consider whether there are standard sizes. Often there are a lot of sizes of banners to choose from, but that doesn't mean you have to create every size. Most companies use the formats that are most commonly used on websites in display marketing. Using banners in your campaign creates reach to a new audience and helps with retargeting.
Benefits of display marketing
Implementing display marketing has a number of potential benefits:
- Increasing the visibility of a service, product or brand
- SEO takes more time relative to display marketing, which leads to faster findability
- Publications stand out better by using rich media content
- There are many different types of display marketing possible such as even video and audio
- It is easy to deploy campaigns across a large number of websites through platforms such as AdChoice and AdSense
The disadvantage of display marketing compared to optimizing SEO is that the cost of SEO is significantly lower. In addition, the number of clicks and views can affect how much your display marketing strategy will yield. Fortunately, it is relatively easy to set a budget and duration so you can see if the banners are working. In case you still want more assurance of a good display marketing strategy, you can hire a marketing agency to do so.