Google Sandbox
Google Sandbox is a term that refers to a filter of the search engine to prevent new websites that contain spam and/or viruses from appearing high in the search results. There is thus a form of spam and virus protection involved. Google Sandbox can thus be seen as a kind of probationary period that the search engine gives to new websites. The search engine uses this time to index websites, check security and find out the importance of the websites. By doing this, the search engine wants to give itself the assurance that only quality websites appear in the search results.
In practice, Google Sandbox is visible by the fact that new websites (platforms with a new domain name) are not initially findable, even if the entire company name or domain name is entered for this purpose. By the way, this is not the case for a renewed website with an already existing domain name. The Google Sandbox phase can last from several hours to several days. On average, this Sandbox phase lasts about 4 to 6 weeks. The importance of the website in question in the eyes of the search engine will determine how long a platform remains in the Google Sandbox.