Outbound marketing
Outbound marketing is actually another word for traditional marketing. Outbound marketing involves using marketing channels to maximize your visibility and reach. Here you can think of:
- Television advertising
- Radio advertising
- Ads
Although there is still a lot of money involved in outbound marketing in the Netherlands, it is a lot less than it used to be. Outbound marketing is especially attractive to large companies that want to achieve a large reach quickly. Basically, a product or service is forced upon a person in the outbound marketing method. An example is advertising from Coca-Cola and others at a major soccer game. There are a lot of large companies that pay a smattering of money for a powerful advertisement through a traditional channel.
Verschil inbound & outbound marketing
But so many ways of marketing have since emerged that offer great visibility that outbound marketing is no longer attractive to every business. All these new ways of marketing fall under inbound marketing. But what is the difference between inbound and outbound marketing? The difference is the "direction.
- Outbound marketing: One direction, the brand/company demands attention from the recipient
- Inbound marketing: two-way, potential customer goes looking for the advertiser
Inbound marketing is about the ways in which a person's interest can be earned. In other words, less of a product or service is forced on a person. Interest must be earned. The advertiser/manufacturer looks for ways to connect with the potential customer. Companies do this by shifting their focus to other channels and offering valuable content on the Internet. A popular method for inbound marketing is social media. Social media marketing works especially when there is a connection between customer and brand.