Visual search
Visual search is term for the collection of techniques that can be applied for searching images on the Internet. It is thus a form of a visual search engine.There are several ways and visual search tools that can be applied to meet this objective:
- Using Google Image Search, it is possible to use a self-made photo to get more information on the Internet about where to purchase the item. If the search engine is unable to find the exact same item, similar alternatives will be offered.
- Google Lens is an extension of image Search. This tool is mainly aimed at providing you with more relevant information about the self-created image.
- Shoppable image ads is a form of visual advertising on the search engine. The offerings shown in the images have price tags. These are immediately direct links to product pages. This way, multiple products can be advertised simultaneously, something that is very applicable on social media platforms like Instagram.
- Pinterest Lens is a form of visual search that focuses on the visual and inspirational power of Pinterest as a social media platform. In this case, the visual search engine will not look for information about a self-created image but rather for images that are appropriate in this regard as a source of inspiration.