Marketing is the field that deals with conveying the value of a brand, product or service to the marketplace, with the goal of selling as many of the products or services in question as possible. Marketing activities can focus on increasing brand awareness and a good image as well as inciting concrete action and generating sales.
Marketing can focus on acquiring new customers as well as building and maintaining customer relationships aimed at repeat purchases. Strengthening brand and brand awareness among a large audience is also called above-the-line marketing. Targeting consumers to generate sales is called below-the-line marketing.
Appearances and marketing media
The oldest (and most effective) manifestation of marketing is word of mouth; customers sharing their experiences with potential new customers. In addition, a host of ways to actively market as a business have emerged. Here are some of these opportunities:
Strategy and analysis
Successful marketing is based on a carefully laid out marketing strategy. Examining which audiences are most interested in the product and how best to approach them. Not only is this a search for where the potential buyers are and how to reach them, but also to understand what is going on in this audience and how best to approach them.
Effective marketing is not a linear process with a starting point and an ending point. Consumers and existing customers are in a continuous loop of decisions. The trick is to reach customers at the right times and then effectively trigger their interest and decisions. One way to gear marketing activities and work processes toward conversion and a quality is to define and evaluate customer journeys.
Marketing that works is also marketing that looks at itself. How can the results of a campaign be made measurable? What works and what doesn't work for the product and target audience? How can a campaign be evolved to be more successful? How can the marketing budget be spent most effectively?
It's all about satisfied customers
Marketing is not always just sending. Often it is also listening. Customers can only be retained if they feel good about a brand and are satisfied with its services. Marketing is also ensuring a good brand experience.
High customer satisfaction can be achieved by selling good quality products and services. In addition, it is important that customers can fall back on good support. Once something goes wrong in the relationship with the customer, it is important to pick up signals temporarily and resolve them in an appropriate way.