White hat SEO
Also known as: white hat Search Engine Optimization
White hat SEO is a term that refers to the way search engine optimization is carried out. A distinction is made here between whether this is done in a legal or illegal manner in the eyes of Google. The moment search engine optimization uses techniques that are accepted by Google, it is called white hat SEO. Google makes this distinction to ensure the quality of websites. Websites optimized by white hat SEO are completely focused on providing added value to the user. In many cases, these types of websites share the most qualitative and valuable information with the visitor.
Difference White hat SEO and Black hat SEO
Black hat SEO can be seen the opposite of White hat Search Engine Optimization. In this case, a website is not applied according to Google's rules and guidelines. Examples include keyword stuffing or the misuse of backlinks. Websites that apply these types of search engine optimization techniques run the risk of being penalized by Google. In most cases, this penalty directly affects the findability of the online platform in question.