Post model
The Post model is a social media strategy that maps out which social media channels will be used for each target audience. This includes the possibility of integrating online marketing techniques such as the use of e-mails and apps. The model consists of an axis structure in which the Y-axis shows the specific characteristics of the target group and the X-axis is divided into People, Objectives, Strategy and Technology.
Using the Post model
Using the Post model requires a number of steps. The first step is to identify the specific characteristics of a target group. In this way, a distinction is made between different groups of people. In this way, the Y-axis is shaped. The People heading in the X-axis shows how a specific group of people behaves on the Web. Here, use can be made of Social Technographics Profile, a model that classifies a specific target group based on a ladder in terms of Web activity. For example, a subdivision can be made between the "Inactives" (people who are virtually not digitally active) and the "Creators". The latter group of people are very active on the Web.
The next step in using the Post model is to determine the specific Objectives, i.e., the specific goals for each target audience. This provides direction for the social media strategy. When taking these steps, it is very important that the objectives are formulated according to the SMART principle. The Strategy step describes the way in which the formulated objectives will be realized. The idea behind this step of the Post model is to think about how the relationship with a specific target group will change through the use of certain techniques in combination with the things that must then be taken into account if this relationship changes. The final step in this process (the Technology step) relates to choosing which techniques will be used to implement the established strategy to achieve the stated objectives. With regard to the choice of techniques used, the link is made to the social media strategy mentioned above. After all, use can be made of the entire technical spectrum of the Web in which social media is playing an increasingly important role as the target audience increasingly uses it.