Social Branding
Social branding is a term for using social media to bring an organization or an offering to the attention of the target audience on these platforms. The idea behind this is to market the offer in a social (read: engaged) way. Social brands actively listen to the target group and show that they care about what the target group considers important. Following this, social brands look for win-win situations with its target group. In this way, a target group becomes increasingly involved in the offer and a sense of loyalty is created. Social branding is building a relationship with a customer where there is profit for both parties. This objective is achieved by creating added value for people and communities.
Requirements for a social brand
Social brands profile themselves in a human way. Formality is hereby replaced by character, values, purpose and cause. Social branding is shaped by different forms of content. One can choose to provide information, (personal) utility, entertainment, reward, an identifier or something that connects what one stands for. In this case, both good content quality and timing are very important. In addition, it is very important that social brands deal well with both positive- and negative feedback. In this way, a brand becomes authentic and transparent, something that is the main objective of social branding.