Also known as: red, green, blue and alpha
The abbreviation RGBA stands for Red, Green, Blue and Alpha. It is a system for capturing the colors and transparency of an image in a code. RGBA is an extension of the RGB color system.
As with RGB, colors in the RGBA system are derived in shares of red, green and blue. The first three numbers in an RGBA color code correspond to these three colors. The last digit indicates the degree of transparency, or rather opacity, of a color or corresponding pixel. This transparency determines the extent to which the background will shine through an image.
RGBA notation
Usually, RGB colors use 8 bits, so that the proportion of each mixed color can be expressed in 255 steps. Thus, 16.7 million different colors can be encoded. Usually 8 bits are also available for the alpha channel, although alpha values in an RGBA code are often written down as a percentage or decimal.
RGB colors are notated in both the decimal and heximal systems. There are several ways to notate an RGBA combination Within web design, this notation is usually used: rgba(139, 68, 192, 0.4).