Google Grants
To advertise as a nonprofit, you can use Google Grants. This offers an alternative if you cannot run an expensive AdWords campaign as a nonprofit. As long as you are an organization with a social good cause, you may be entitled to a Google Grant.
Google Grants offers nonprofit organizations an advertising credit of $10,000 per month. This budget can be used to promote AdWords campaigns with their initiatives and mission. But what is AdWords then? Google AdWords is the paid advertising program of, you guessed it, Google. Ads placed through AdWords appear above SEO results. SEO is about optimization of unpaid traffic, while SEA involves paid ad optimization, so Google AdWords falls under SEA traffic.
Rules of the Google Grant
Actually, the design of Google Grants is the same as AdWords. The difference is mainly in that Google Grants is designed for nonprofit organizations. A credit is offered to participants who display their ads on Google for free. These organizations create and manage their own account on AdWords with the following limitations:
- There is a daily budget of $330
- The maximum Cost-Per-Click(CPC) budget is $2
- Campaigns can only be deployed with keyword targeting
- The ads are visible only on
- The ads consist of text ads only
- As long as the campaign is maintained, the ads will be shown
Organizations that cannot apply for the Google Grant are organizations such as government agencies, hospitals, schools and political parties. Your organization must hold a CBF seal of approval, a CBF statement or be a recognized General Benefit Organization (ANBI). To see if you qualify, check Google Grants.