Google Maps
Google Maps is Google's online mapping service, consisting of map materials, aerial photos and street-level panoramas (Google Street View). Users of Google Maps can customize the appearance of maps by dragging and zooming. Places, points of interest and businesses can be searched. Also, Google Maps includes a route planner.
The service can be used with a Web browser or through the official app. Related to Google Maps is the program Google Earth, which can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Also, Google Maps offers an API, which allows developers to add maps from Google Maps to their Web sites and applications and use information from Google Maps.
Development of Google Maps
The foundation for Google Maps was laid by two Danish developers, Lars and Jens Eilstrup Rasmussen. Their company and application was acquired by Google in 2004. After acquiring several more services, mainly in the field of geographic data, Google Maps was launched in 2005. With the merger of Google Maps and Google Local in 2006, Google Maps became the standard for local search.
Starting in 2007, public transportation information was added to the route planner and the new "Terrain" view was added, allowing topographic maps to be viewed via Google Maps.
Over the years, several extensions to the API took place and allowed users to customize maps, for their own use and to improve the original maps. For some functions of the API, companies are subject to certain limits, which can be extended for a fee.
Google Streetview
In 2008, Street View was introduced in the United States. The following year, Street View's reach was greatly expanded, with images in the Netherlands for the first time. Interactive panoramic images allow people to look around and virtually walk around at street level. The images are collected by cars with a special panoramic camera on the roof.
The reception of this service was not entirely without controversy. Because of privacy concerns, Google was forced to make faces and, among other things, house numbers unrecognizable. The service was even banned or severely restricted in some countries, including Germany.
New version of Google Maps
An entirely new version of Google Maps was developed in 2013. It uses new technologies and offers better integration with Google Plus. Since 2014, the old version is no longer available. Google Maps is constantly being expanded with new features and information.
Google Maps alternatives
There are some services similar to Google Maps. Microsoft's Bing Maps offers the same features to some extent but is less popular. OpenStreetMap is an open source initiative primarily focused on developing maps and map technology for the Web.