"Top-down" is a method in which a problem or situation is approached from an overarching perspective to more detailed aspects. In other words, it starts with the general or big picture and then works toward the specific details. A top-down approach focuses on understanding the main principles, concepts or objectives before going into the specific parts or steps, on the contrary to bottom-up. Top-down begins by formulating an outline framework, which establishes the big picture and overall structure.
The concept and application of a top-down approach
Then the various components or parts of the problem are analyzed and broken down. Each component is then studied in detail and solved according to the predetermined framework. This approach makes it possible to simplify complex problems and work incrementally toward a solution. An example of a top-down approach is when a project manager first defines the overall objectives of a project and then assigns tasks and responsibilities to individual team members. This involves first establishing the big picture before going into the details of each task. In general, a top-down approach provides an orderly and structured way to address problems. It allows people to take a holistic view of a situation before diving into the details.