The first version of a product or service is also called Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which is as simple an implementation as possible that can be rolled out to the customer. The purpose of an MVP is to obtain feedback. Minimum Viable Product is especially popular in Scrum companies and/or departments. This is because in Scrum, feedback from stakeholders can be processed quickly.
Determine the MVP with the Kano model
The question is how to determine the Minimum Viable Product. This requires looking at the value of the minimum product or service to the customer. What functionalities are most important to represent this minimum value. For this, Noriako Kano's Kano model can be used:
In this model, satisfaction and the presence of a certain factor are weighed against each other. In addition, the following components are considered:
Basic factor: These are factors that are minimally required in the MVP. In the absence of these factors, the customer is basically dissatisfied. An example of a basic factor is the wheels of a car. This is because without wheels, the customer cannot use the product
Performance factor: The more performance factors are present, the higher the customer satisfaction. A performance factor in a car is the interior trim or safety measures
WOWfactor: The WOW factors will not be missed if they are not there, but provide a strong direct influence on satisfaction. Actually, these are the factors that the customer didn't know they wanted, but when it's there this gives a nice extra. An example of a WOW factor is having built-in navigation and a screen as a dashboard
To create a Minimum Viable Product, at least the basic factors must be present. But that is not all, as you want to provide an MVP that is distinctive and can provide more targeted feedback, so it is important to include at least one performance factor in your MVP.