Fake Reviews
A fake review is a false recommendation for a company or its offerings. In this case, this review does not come from a user (i.e., the experiencer) but from a person whose intention is to deliberately present a company or offer in a positive or negative light in order to influence the intention of interested parties. Thus, these types of fake reviews can certainly be seen as a form of deception. Fake reviews can have a major impact on business results. After all, many interested parties place great value on other users' reviews when making their decision. Several studies show that three-quarters of people consider user reviews when choosing products. Thus, good reviews can lead to many more sales while bad reviews can contribute quite a bit to a company's poor image. When you know that the same studies have found that more than 10% of the reviews that can be read on the Internet are not genuine, you can safely conclude that you have to look closely at the review itself first to draw the conclusion that you can believe this user experience.