
And the more competition, the more you need to differentiate yourself from others. Marketing can play an important role in this. And when you talk about marketing, it's quite a broad term.

There are different types of marketing with which you can achieve all kinds of goals. For example, you can use marketing to collect more leads, to launch a new product or to enter a new market. What are the different types of marketing and what can they do for you? You'll find out in this blog.

Online marketing

Of course, it can't be helped that we start with online marketing. After all, this is what we do day in and day out. The term online marketing is a collective term for all marketing activities that take place online. And there can be a lot of them. Examples include marketing through website, social media, email and advertising in search engines such as Google and Bing.

Within online marketing, you have different types of disciplines. Each discipline has different features and benefits, but they can all contribute to your online visibility and success. Whether a channel is right for you depends entirely on the goal, the market, the target audience and the message you want to convey.

Search engine optimization (SEO)
One of our absolute favorites: marketing through the search engines. After all, who doesn't want to be found well in Google? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a part of online marketing and can be defined as the set of activities that ensure high rankings in the organic search results of search engines. This means without paying for it, but by optimizing your own website to score better in search engines such as Google and Bing. Getting started with SEO yourself? Then check out our free e-book with 40 proven SEO tips that you can easily apply yourself!

types of marketing SEO

Search engine advertising (SEA).
Search engine advertising involves placing ads in the form of images or text on search engines such as Google. By advertising on the Internet, you can target a very specific audience. The difference with SEO is that for SEA, you pay for your website to be displayed in the search results. Want to know more about SEA? Then check out our blog with tips.

types of marketing search engine ads

Display advertising
Display advertising, also known as banner advertising, is the display of banners on websites, apps, social media and even in mail programs such as Gmail and Outlook. You've probably come across them on news sites, apps and as video ads on YouTube, for example.

The advantage of display advertising is that you can target a specific audience. For example, someone who has a particular interest. If you sell bicycles, you can target your ad to people who are interested in them. Also remarketing is a great example of display advertising. It allows you to reach a potential customer who has been on a site before. Hence, those black sneakers keep coming into view that you searched for yesterday in Google....

types of marketing display ads

E-mail marketing
With e-mail marketing you use a mailing list of interested people who have signed up for it themselves. You send these people (periodically) an e-mail with information about your company or your field. You can tell them about promotions and offers, new products, new developments or other interesting information your company has to offer.

Big tip: also bring something first before coming to get something from recipients. For example, give free advice, a nice goodie or valuable tips without asking for anything directly in return.

Social media marketing
It is impossible to imagine our world without social media. On average, we in the Netherlands spend 114 minutes a day using social media. Exactly, that's about 2 hours per day. By now there are also countless social media platforms and apps with different features and users. So super interesting for companies to get in touch with their target group.

With social media marketing, you use social channels to reach your target audience. Common platforms include Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube and Tiktok. Unlike other online marketing types, this form of marketing is more interactive.

This is because recipients have an immediate opportunity to respond to the message. Want to get started with social media marketing? Then check out our blog to see what to post on social media as a business owner, and here we give you some inspiration.

social media marketing

Influencer marketing 

Influencer marketing is a type of marketing where, as an organization or brand, you use influential people or channels to promote your product/service. It is very closely related to social media marketing because this also often happens this through social media channels. Nowadays, influencer is a serious full-time job. Companies use influencer marketing as part of their marketing strategy to reach a wider or new target group and build brand awareness, for example.

Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a form of marketing in which payment is made for a converted lead. An advertiser (company that sells a product/service) pays a publisher (the one who publishes content and ensures that a lead is delivered) a pre-negotiated percentage of the amount for this.

This business model works best for an e-commerce store (web shop) since you only have to pay the affiliate after a sale is completed.

The special thing about this affiliate marketing is that everyone benefits. For example, the customer gets to see products they might not have found on their own. Getting started with affiliate marketing yourself? Check out our 14 tips for affiliate marketing advertisers.

Direct marketing

Direct marketing is a form of marketing where you approach prospects in a direct and personal way. Short lines of communication are used, making it possible to build a relationship with the customer.

Direct marketing prompts action, which can be done through e-mail, telephone acquisition, mail and social media. Direct marketing is also known as dialogue marketing or push marketing.


An oldskool way of marketing: telemarketing. Also called telephone sales, this is promoting your product or service by making direct contact with the prospect through a telephone conversation.

Telemarketing can be applied in 2 ways. Inbound and outbound, the difference between these types is the way the conversation is established. With inbound, the initiative for the conversation lies with the potential customer and with outbound, the first contact is made by the selling party. For some companies, this is a good way of approaching the target audience. But it can also be a way that does not fit your market at all. You are often not waiting for cold calls with smooth sales pitches.

Print Marketing

One of the oldest forms of marketing! Print Marketing is a form of marketing where you use printed media such as magazines, newspapers, leaflets and other printed materials. Print Marketing is a form of offline Marketing.
When there is publicity in a publication, in most cases it is through an advertisement or advertorial. In addition, you can also publish your own magazine.

It is slowly dying out as we live more and more digitally. In addition, we are becoming more conscious about the use of paper and its impact on the environment. But for some industries and organizations, it is still an important way to reach their target audience. In addition, it is also still one of the most effective types of marketing. Despite the rise of online marketing, print marketing in all its forms still has an important function in the marketing world.

print marketing

Other types of marketing

In addition to the above types of marketing, there are of course many other forms of marketing that can be very effective for your organization. The first step in using marketing is to ask yourself why marketing adds value to your organization.

For example, it could be building brand awareness, providing quick customer support or generating more leads. Choose your goal and act on it by creating a marketing strategy.

Here's what to look for when choosing an online marketing agency 

What should you actually look for when you want to work with a marketing agency? As specialists in the field, we would like to give you tips on how to make a good choice. There are many 'cowboys' in the marketing industry and it can be difficult to find out in the beginning whether a party can really help you further. Read this blog with 12 questions you should ask yourself when choosing a marketing agency! And of course, you can always call on us.

What is the difference between organic and paid marketing strategies?

Organic marketing focuses on "free" content and SEO, while paid marketing revolves around ads and paying directly for visibility, such as SEA and display ads

How do you measure the effectiveness of different marketing channels?

This question requires specific research by channel and depends on marketing goals and the nature of the channel. It is important to use measurable KPIs and analytics tools.

Can small businesses compete with large companies in online marketing, and if so, how?

Yes, small businesses can compete by focusing on niche markets, personalized marketing, and cost-effective digital marketing strategies such as social media and content marketing.

What role does content creation play in marketing and how do you develop an effective content strategy?

Content creation is important for SEO and customer retention. An effective strategy includes identifying target audiences, creating relevant and valuable content, and regularly analyzing and adjusting content based on performance.

How do companies integrate ethical considerations into their marketing strategies, especially in the digital age?

Companies can incorporate ethics through transparent and honest communication, respect for privacy, responsible content, and by avoiding using misleading or manipulative techniques.

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