
If your answer is "Yes, I like that tool," then you should absolutely know Also Asked as well.

If the answer is "No, what is that?", by the way, you should definitely check out this tool too!

Why that is, what Also Asked is and how to use the tool I tell you below.

What is Also Asked?

Also Asked is a tool that tells what questions people are asking about a particular topic that you enter and then visualizes that data nicely in a tree diagram. That comes out looking like this (because pictures say more than 1,000 words and then you understand exactly what Also Asked does).

also asked questions

So what you see above is a tree diagram based on the keyword "online marketing" that I entered.

Now I hear you thinking, "But what can I do with this data?

Well, these are questions that people ask and related topics that they want to know more about. So you can address those in your content. You can use them as blog topics, for headings, as input for your social media posts and more.

So incredibly useful and valuable!

How do you use Also Asked?

Since Also Asked is still in development, it is not usable in every language and country. The tip I have for you here is: translate your term into English, so you get English questions. Then you can translate those questions back into Dutch.

Should you want to use Also Asked, I'll explain how it works now.

First of all, go to their website. You can find that here: Next, enter your keyword or search term, choose a language, choose a region and click 'Search'.


Now you have to wait a while, until the tree diagram has unfolded.

And ready is Kees!

What is the difference between Answer The Public and Also Asked?

This was the first thing that came to mind, because they are virtually the same tools. At least, that's what I thought. Because that's so not true.

This is because the information from Answer The Public is suggestive and is mainly generated by the so-called autocomplete. This means that Answer The Public completes the search result you entered with other words.

Also Asked works differently. The information you see back from that is based on the "People Also Asked" data. So these are longer search terms that were actually actually entered by people.

Which of the two is better? We don't have to answer that question, because both tools are useful, work in different ways and complement anyone who publishes content.

This article was written on December 12, 2019 and updated on February 8, 2024.

What is Also Asked and how does it work?

Also Asked is a content tool that analyzes Google searches and shows related questions and topics that people also searched for. It works by entering the search query and the tool shows the most relevant questions and topics.

How can I use Also Asked for my content strategy?

By using the questions and topics shown in Also Asked, you can get inspiration for new content ideas and use them to optimize your website or blog for SEO. You can incorporate the questions and topics into the headings, sub-headings and content of your pages to be found better on Google.

Is Also Asked free to use?

A free version of Also Asked is available, but it has limited functionality. To access all the features and perform more searches, you must purchase a paid subscription.

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