
In fact, Mangools is also an all-in-1 SEO tool that comes with the entry-level subscription:

  • 70% cheaper than Semrush
  • 62% cheaper than MOZ
  • 64% cheaper than Ahrefs

Even though, at first glance, the tool does not compromise on features and functionality at all. So it's high time to give you my honest opinion about Mangools.

During Black Friday and Cyber Monday (So from November 24 to November 27), you can use a discount code to get 35% off all Mangools subscriptions for life.


Benefits of Mangools

In an earlier review I wrote about KWFinder and the SERPChecker, I mentioned several advantages. First of all, I think Mangools' design is awfully nice.

It looks calm, everything looks fluid, there is a fine use of color and it does not contain too much fuss.

Another great advantage of Mangools is that the tool is perfectly affordable.

You can get in from as little as €29.90 per month, and if you do want to track some more keywords per day then you only pay €10 per month more.

And that €29.90 or €39.90 per month will pay for itself, if you manage to track better keywords with it, within a day. There can always be times when a tool stops working or you don't see data, for example.

In all the months I have been using Mangools and its tools, that has never happened.

Because it all works so stably, it also feels very reliable. Curious about the tool?

Then create a no-obligation account, check out the features and most importantly, let me know what you think!

And the cons...

Mangools currently has two minor drawbacks for me.

First of all, Semrush is by far my favorite link building program because it gives me an awful lot of clear information about the backlinks.

As such, I have been using Semrush for years. The data Mangools shows is somewhat mediocre compared to a much more expensive and complete tool.

But then that might make sense if you are used to something as comprehensive as Semrush.

By the way, as a beginner SEO or as a novice self-employed person, it is certainly sufficient, but if you really want to make it your job or if you want to take the next step, Mangools' LinkMiner doesn't really get the job done.

The second and final drawback of Mangools is that it has no real SEO analysis tool. It does not tell you, for example, that you have a few 404s, are missing an H1 on page X and that a redirect is not set up properly.

So I would like to see that added to Mangools.

History and tools of Mangools

Hey, that rhymes! Mangools is a company that started the keyword analysis tool KWFinder in 2014.

In the years since, it has expanded its offerings to include other useful programs.

Mangools consists of a small team of about 5-8 people and has (had) clients such as: Airbnb, Alex, Skyscanner, Adidas and Deloitte. Not bad for such a relatively small company.

Enough background ... on to the tools!

Enthusiastic about link building

KWFinder: Keyword analysis tool

KWFinder is my favorite tool from Mangools. Personally, I think KWFinder is already worth the investment of €29.90 per month.

Why? Then you should read my KWFinder review.

KWFinder is a program that allows you to find out exactly how often a word, or several words, are used in Google. Then you also get keyword suggestions, more information about competitors and much more useful data.

KWFinder is a similar tool to Ubersuggest, and Google's own keyword planner.

Give it a try! Enter your keyword below at 'Enter the keyword', then click 'Find keywords' and get hundreds of keyword suggestions.

SERPChecker: analyzing search results

Before I start explaining to you what the SERPChecker can and does, you need to know what SERP means. SERP = Search Engine Result Page.

Search Engine Result Page literally means search engine result page. In other words, the search results in Google.

SERPChecker allows you to enter a keyword and then analyze the search results for that keyword by country and device. It then looks like this:

screenshot serpchecker

You then get to see exactly who is in the top 10, how well they rank, how many links to have, how high their authority is and much more.

Very useful if you want to rank higher, but you don't know exactly why you're not ranking higher.

Want to give it a try, too? Then enter a search term in 'Enter the keyword' below and click 'Analyze SERP'.

SERPWatcher: tracking the positions of your keywords

SERPWatcher is by far Mangools easiest tool to explain. With SERPWatcher, you can keep track of exactly what position you rank for a keyword.

This is also called rank tracking. Tracking your rankings.

You can see exactly whether you dropped or rose, how much volume is on the keyword, what your average position is, what your best position so far has been and what the expected number of visitors through that keyword has been.

SERPWatcher, in addition to KWFinder, is really a must-have for me and really recommended.

You can immediately see when you are dropping or rising in Google and then you can respond appropriately.

Want to know where your competitors' backlinks are coming from and why your competitor is ranking better than you? Simply enter your competitor's domain in LinkMiner and you will be shown exactly where the backlinks are coming from!

Also with LinkMiner, I advise you to experience how easy the tool works. Enter your own domain or your competitor's domain and click on 'Find backlinks'.

Then you get to see how many links your competitor has, what those links consist of, how many domains are linked from, how many IP Addresses, as well as information about trust and citation flow.

Now all you have to do is match these backlinks!

SiteProfiler: website analysis tool

SiteProfiler is really an analysis tool that gives you an overview of a completed domain.

When you have entered a URL you will be presented with a scan with:

  • Overview (1 screen with all information)
  • Backlinks (referring domains, do-follow ratio, total number of backlinks and more)
  • Top content (best scoring content based on Facebook share or backlinks)
  • Audience (information about the website's target audience )
  • Competitors (website with content that matches)

At first glance, SiteProfiler does not seem unique or useful, but once you use it a few times, it is incredibly nice.

For example, do you want to know who your online competitors are and what their links consist of?

And then you also want to know what their best-scoring content is? You can find all that out with SiteProfiler.

Prices, packages and rates

Mangools and its tools (yes, I keep liking it), is to some extent free to use. But the unpaid version is, frankly, not nearly enough for the real thing.

In fact, with the free account you can only check 5 keywords per day, check the SERPs 5 times, find out 100 backlinks and view 5 websites with SiteProfiler.

In other words, a paid account is required. The beauty of Mangools is that you can get in for as little as €29.90 a month.

€26.90 a month, yes. You read that right! And for that €29.90 a month, you have access to ALL the tools.

mango price

To be very honest, I recommend you take Mangools Premium. Then you can track more keywords per day, track more keywords, track many more backlinks, etc.

Personally, I use Mangools Agency, but that's not necessary for you.

Mangools vs. MOZ, Semrush and Ahrefs

Mangools' main competitors are MOZ, Semrush and Ahrefs. Before I can tell you what my final opinion of Mangools is, I think it is necessary to show you the rock-hard numbers.

So hence the table below:

Price per month€29,90 – €79,90$79 – $479$99,95 – $374,95$83 – $833
Tracking keywords by month3000 – 36.000150 – 3000010000 – 50000*500000-50000000*
Measuring positions of number of keywords per month200 – 1500300 – 10000500 – 5000500 – 10000
Update frequency keywordsDailyWeeklyDailyEveryone week - every 3 days
Maximum number of campaignsUnlimited5 – 1005 – 2005 – 100
Number of SERPS analyze per month3000 – 36000150 – 3000010000 – 50000*500000-50000000*
Find out number of backlinks per month60.000 – 450.00050.000 – – 500.000.0005.000.000 – 500.000.000
Maximum number of logged-in users1 - 102 – 601 – 91 – 5

*Semrush/Ahrefs do not work on the basis of keywords entered, but on the basis of data coming out of the program. So suppose you have 100 suggestions per keyword you can only enter 100 keywords.

As you can see, Mangools is not at all inferior to the big boys. And as long as you are not a large organization or you are not an online marketer, then from the table above I see no reason not to choose Mangools.

So am I not a fan of Moz, Semrush or Ahrefs?

You really do! Only Mangools is for the ideal small SEO tool for beginning marketers or entrepreneurs.

Mangols Academy

Mangools also has its own academy where you can get a certificate. But as you know, I'm not very fond of certificates or other forms that are supposed to show that you have knowledge.

Final score: I did not read anything from the academy and did pass the certificate.Check it out!

Mangools academy seo cetificate

So now I own a real SEO certificate. But enough about that.

The information Mangools gives you is truthful, but it is very basic. So don't spend too much time on this.

You simply learn more by using Mangools' tools.

Logical Youtube gif

Mangold's blog

I do think Mangools' blogs are really strong! They are great topics for SEO beginners and entrepreneurs, but you can also learn plenty from them as an SEO specialist or online marketer.

What makes me happiest are the titles/topic of the blogs. They really do this very well.

Titles excite, contain keywords, are not too long and they touch on good topics.

I'd be lying if I didn't jot down some titles for inspiration for myself. But that aside.

My opinion + grade


I conclude this Mangools review by giving it a well-deserved 9! You simply cannot ignore its price and functionalities.

It will only cost you a few tens per month and that while you get so much in return. Only thing I advise you now:

Create a free account with Mangools, get started with it and experience for yourself what the tool can do for you.

This article was written on March 25, 2019 and updated on September 21, 2022

What is Mangools?

Mangools is an all-in-one SEO tool. What started out as a single keyword tool (KWFinder) has now grown into a program with all the functionality you need to do keyword research, analyze search results, discover link building opportunities and so on. In addition, the tool is considerably cheaper than the alternatives!

Is Mangolese good for SEO?

Yes, Mangools' tools can be used very well to boost your SEO that nunmmer one positions on interesting keywords. The major strength of the tool lies in the keyword analysis. In no time you will discover the keywords which are relevant to your business and with which you can score relatively easily.

What are the costs?

You have different pricing plans that have different options. For the Basic plan you pay about three tens per month and for the Premium plan (recommended) you spend about forty euros monthly. Mind you, these are the prices when you pay all at once for an entire year. Monthly billing is a bit more expensive.

What is the difference between Mangools basic and premium?

With both Mangools Basic and Premium, you get access to all features. However, the Premium plan is a bit more comprehensive. For example, with it you can analyze and track more keywords, get infinite keyword suggestions and discover up to 5 times more backlinks. Moreover, you can have three people logged in at once. And all that for just an extra ten bucks a month!

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