
Then put the website past our checklist. Saves you a lot of trouble, effort and mistakes.

Disclaimer: this is a checklist prepared by a marketer. There are bound to be some web design things missing and it might be a little too SEO-heavy, but hey - with this you know you are ready to rank in Google.

  • Is the noindex off?
  • Is the canonical correct?
  • Is the disallow off?
  • Is there no duplicate content?
  • Is there a 404 page?
  • Are all the redirects correct?
  • Are there no broken links?
  • Do all images have alt tags?
  • Are all on-page seo elements (of each page) completed?
  • Is internal link building in order?
  • Does the website have a sitemap?
  • Does the website have a robots.txt?
  • Is Analytics / Tag Manager set up?
  • Is the website equipped with Search Console?
  • Is the website offered in Search Console?
  • Is your cookie banner in order?
  • Have you taken advantage of all structured data opportunities?
  • Do the forms work (and have they been tested)?
  • Are the thank you pages linked (and are the notifications set properly)?
  • Are the thank you pages on noindex?
  • Are the email address and phone number clickable?
  • Are all conversions in Analytics?
  • Are the correct IP addresses excluded in Analytics?
  • Have you turned on Site Search?
  • Is your sitemap offered in Google?
  • Is your Google My Business complete (and are the right pages linked)?
  • Are all the coverage errors out?
  • Is the URL structure correct and is it layered?
  • Does the website have an SEO plugin (and is it fully utilized/filled out)?
  • Is there any way to add redirects?
  • Are payment providers excluded[PG1] within Google Analytics?
  • Have you run the website through Google Page Speed?
  • Is the force www or non-www on it?
  • Does the website have an SSL certifcate?
  • Are all images optimized?
  • Are all the right speed optimization plugins installed?
  • Has the website been added to Bing Places?
  • Is the website equipped with Bing Webmaster tools?
  • Are any social media channels linked to the website?
  • Does the Web site have a privacy policy?
  • Does the website have terms and conditions?
  • Have unnecessary pages been removed?
  • Is everything in the .htaccess correct?
  • Have you tested the design on all formats (mobile, desktop and tablet)?

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