
Search Engine Optimization

To get as many customers as possible to your webshop via Google, it is smart to make good use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Although you might not think it at first, B2B buyers also orient themselves via the Internet. However, this process is longer and more complex than in B2C e-commerce, making your visibility throughout this process even more important. This way you can stay ahead of your competition.

Online marketplaces

By selling through online marketplaces, you can reach a large audience in one fell swoop. These people already know the online marketplace and come across your products there. This way, you can create more awareness of your shop. Moreover, customers become familiar with you as a supplier and may order from you in the future. This will of course benefit your sales.

Sales and e-commerce

It is also important to integrate e-commerce well within your B2B organization and strategy. It is often said that B2B e-commerce and a traditional sales team cannot go together, but nothing could be further from the truth. Your sales team can actually contribute well to the success of your e-commerce and the turnover of your B2B webshop, by playing an active, strategic and advisory role in sales.

Product content

Extensive and up to date product information contributes to the success of your B2B webshop. Structuring and automating this product information is possible with a PIM (Product Information Management) system. A PIM system also ensures that the product content is the same on every channel. Attractive product content distinguishes you from the competition and sends a professional signal to your visitors.

Marketing automation

Outbound marketing is often used in B2B environments, where the target audience is actively approached. With inbound marketing, you can ensure that the customer comes to you instead. Marketing automation is a good tool for this, because by using data you can approach your target group personally. In this way, you bring in the really relevant leads, which might help boost your sales.

Want to know more about boosting your B2B webshop sales? Then get in touch with us.

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