
He is studying commercial economics majoring in digital marketing at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, and in addition, he is also an honors student (this means he takes a bonus curriculum for bonus credits) ...

We're talking about none other than Can! Can is joining our team on August 1 as an online marketer intern. He will mainly be learning and exploring a lot, but of course he will also have to work very hard. Get to know our new recruit by asking 10 questions we asked him.

Question 1: Who is Can?

I am 21 years old, born in Ede, but I live in Veenendaal. I am a social person and I also like to meet new people. Learning new things is something I enjoy and is also essential in life, as far as I am concerned. I love my cat Mila very much. Furthermore, I am always up for going to a festival.

10 questions an can senturk

This is Can proudly wearing his limited edition Online Marketing Agency hoody.

Question 2: What are your hobbies?

I love sports, especially soccer. I have been doing it with love for over 13 years. I am a diehard Real Madrid supporter, but I also enjoy watching other leagues and clubs. Recently I also started working out again. I also enjoy watching other sports such as MMA and eSports.

Furthermore, I enjoy designing, which is how I can express myself creatively.

Question 3: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Very honestly, I don't really have an idea yet where I see myself in 5 years. I do know that I want to finish my HBO within two years and that I probably want to continue studying after my HBO. So in the field of marketing, it is precisely during my internship period that I hope to find out where I see myself in 5 years in the field!

Question 4: What do you like to do on weekends?

On weekends I like to be with friends or family. Pre-Corona, I could be found at a party every week. But now there aren't as many of them, so I can often be found at someone's house.

Question 5: What is your favorite social media channel?

This is a tough question. Too many choices. But I think I would go for YouTube anyway. I don't post videos myself, but I watch several videos every day. Every night when I go to bed I have to watch YouTube videos first because otherwise I don't fall asleep.

Question 6: What is your favorite music?

Rap, pop and R&B. But I like almost everything. My top 3 artists are Post Malone, Juice WRLD and Drake. I've also been to a concert by Post Malone and twice by Drake. I will never forget that.

Question 7: What is your favorite travel destination?

I love going to Turkey. In Turkey you actually have everything: sun, sea, beach, history, landscape, people, good food and so on. You can even ski in Turkey. But there are still plenty of countries in the world I haven't been to yet and still want to see, so maybe in a few years I will have a new favorite travel destination.

can senturk on vacation

Here he was paragliding while on vacation in Ölüdeniz, Turkey.

Question 8: How did you like your first week at OMA?

My first week at OMA was very good. Really very good. I still have to get used to getting up early every day, but I'll get used to it.

On my first day I was immediately surprised with a nice OMA starter kit. OMA socks, OMA water bottle and OMA notebook. The laptop was also ready and I was immediately helped by Emiel. He took on the task of guiding me.

But Emiel is not the only one who is helpful. Everyone at OMA is very helpful. I was called in here and there to take a look at a screen, questions were answered immediately and I was involved in everything as if I had been working at OMA for months. I am not treated as an intern, but as a colleague. There is also just a really nice atmosphere at the office.

Three words that sum up the first week: fun, educational & chill.

Question 9: What will be your role within OMA?

I am an online marketing intern for the next six months, so I will be learning and exploring a lot in the coming period. I am most interested in SEO, SEA and social media marketing. So this is where I want to develop myself and then find out if I actually like it.

Question 10: What are your specializations within OMA?

I am a specialist intern. In other words, as mentioned before, I am going to learn and discover a lot. Do a little bit of everything and find out what I'm really good at, and then work on it myself. In addition, I will also help everyone when they need it.

A brief recap

The first week has flown by. Time goes fast when you're having fun, right? I definitely had fun this week, learned many things, met new people and so all in all it was just a fun week. If every week goes as fast as this first week, my internship will be over before I know it. I actually couldn't have asked for a better start if I'm completely honest. And a good start is half the battle, right?

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