
I still concur with that today, although I wrote in a recent blog about what are the disadvantages of having a keyword in your business name.

And today I tell you what the benefits are.

Scoring on certain keywords is easier

When your keyword is directly in your URL, it is easier to rank for a term. Someone who says it is not, does not understand how SEO works.

Google itself has also said at times in recent years that you shouldn't focus so much on your keyword in the URL (or slug), but then when you start testing it you quickly know the answer: it does work.

So what makes it easier to rank for a keyword while it's in your URL? A host of reasons:

  • URL is still a ranking factor.
  • Relevance is still a key factor within Google.
  • Your internal link structure often contains the keyword.
  • The keyword is used throughout your website in all places.
  • You can easily incorporate the keyword into your content.

And so there are other reasons.

Keyword in company name example

When people search on social media you come up easily on certain terms

Now I'm going to share something with you that I haven't told many people yet. I sometimes bring in clients because people typed in "online marketing" (or some other term) in LinkedIn and Facebook.

In other words, people also use that kind of website as a kind of search engine. Well this is not substantiated by the results from any study, but my gut says that people are doing this more and more.

If your company name then matches (or partially matches) a search query, chances are you will come up within LinkedIn and Facebook.

findability within social media

Your Google My Business can be shown for generic search terms

Your Google My Business is the card you see on the right side (on desktops) when you search for a business name.

When your name matches a search term, this card can be displayed with the keyword typed in.

Just look at the search term "cooking aprons. There you will see the Google My Business listing of cooking

Google My business example

The big advantage of this is that you grab even more space in Google and people are more likely to click on you. And in the case of cooking, they can also offer their product through the products feature of Google My Business.

The world of link building is a very big gray matter to a non- SEO specialist.

It is important to note that the basic idea is to gather as many quality links as possible from other Web sites to your Web site.

And the word used in that link, that's called an anchor link. That's an important SEO factor. Something that Google looks at so to determine how high you rank.

Keyword in anchor company name

When you are mentioned online, people often link to your company name. And if that includes your keyword, it will help your organic findability. So because of those same anchor links.

You are displayed more often within Google Maps

Local SEO, in my opinion, is one of the most overlooked parts of SEO. Because it's not sexy.

Whereas for small, local organizations it is super important. Because for them, most of their customers are in a certain region. And so then you have to be easily findable.

And an important part of local SEO, is your Google My Business listing. This is because it is displayed when people search for certain search terms in Google Maps.

Think casting floor, exclusive car or, for example, online marketing agency.

company name google maps SEO

Again, is your keyword in your company name? Then you will be shown more often and faster in Google Maps.

It's easier to include your keyword in your meta title and description

You probably recognize the below, you've come up with a blog (one like this one) and you're working on the meta title.

Writing the article will work, but now you also need to come up with a clear meta title and meta description, incorporating the keyword.

That's trickier than you thought. Except...

When you have a business name with your search term in it. Then it's a lot easier at once.

meta title and description keyword

When people see your company name, they know exactly what you do

By no means take what I'm about to say as a criticism (in fact, I really like these kinds of names), but when your company has Pink Banana, , Blueberry Hero or anything else with a color or fruit as your company name, it's not immediately obvious to people what you do.

You can create websites, do online marketing, deliver fruit, be a creative agency, sell flooring or be a temp agency.

The guesswork of what you do is gone in an instant when you have a keyword in your business name.

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