
It really is autumn now, and that means we are going to take another look at what impact the summer has had on the market shares of the various social media channels. Which platform is shooting up like a brand-new mushroom? And which channel can start getting ready for hibernation? Let's take a look!


NetherlandsJune 2018September 2018

At least in the Netherlands, Facebook's market share decline of recent months is not continuing. In fact, for the first time in over a year it is showing a slight increase. Perhaps it is because we massively wanted to share our vacation snapshots with the widest possible audience....

We did the same on Instagram, by the way, the data shows. The market share of that social medium shows a growth of almost 20%. Perhaps also because Instagram's new video features managed to snatch some market share from Youtube. And Pinterest and Twitter are not exactly benefiting from the vacation season either.


EuropeJune 2018September 2018

Across Europe, Facebook emerged as the big winner. There, too, Facebook's market share is rising again after a long time. Instagram's market share remains almost the same and, as we saw in the Netherlands, Pinterest, Twitter and especially Youtube are losing some market share.


GermanyJune 2018September 2018

So what is the situation with our eastern neighbors? Facebook's market share is skyrocketing in Germany, where Germans seem to be turning away from Pinterest en masse. Twitter's market share drops slightly and Germany also doesn't seem to have really found its way to Instagram yet. Youtube, as in all of Europe, is also showing a nice decline here.


BelgiumJune 2018September 2018

In our south, the trend is being broken. In Belgium, Facebook is actually losing a little market share again, where it made a nice gain in the rest of Europe. Pinterest is also gaining a tiny bit. Just like Twitter and Youtube, by the way. That is not consistent with the overall trend in social media market shares. In terms of market share, Instagram, like in the rest of Europe, is once again doing fine with a small increase among Belgians.

In short.

Despite all the scandals and hurt confidence in the social medium, Facebook is regaining market share. Instagram also remains a steady riser in terms of market shares. Pinterest, Twitter and Youtube are caving in again overall.

Whether this trend will continue is difficult to predict. Privacy scandals, for example, quickly throw a spanner in the works for the risers or set off a free fall for the channels on the losing side. Either way, we'll keep a close eye on it for you. The advice for now: bet on Facebook and Instagram for stable results from your ads or content marketing strategy.


2 responses to "Market share social media channels Q3 2018"

  1. That youtube is declining in most geographic target does surprise me a bit. It's a snapshot of course, but generation Z, if I look in my own area is really only behind Youtube these days. Youtube as a search engine already surpasses google on a large type of keywords with certain search intentions.

    1. I agree with you Luuk. Of course, these are snapshots of 3 months :-). The search intent on YouTube can be very different from for example Google, but Google is still lord and master when it comes to volume. Each channel has its own charm and advantages.

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