
An entity is a unique concept that can be defined and distinguished from other concepts. So basically any subject, no matter how small.

Google is now super smart and understands not just words, but the context around those words to determine how relevant an entity is to a particular search term.

To make your texts even better, you can research ahead of time the entities your keyword coincides with with Entity Explorer so that Google understands ... and values your texts even better.

What is the Entity Explorer?

The Entity Explorer is a program from Marketer's Center that shows you related entities of a keyword you entered. With this information, you can better understand in what context you can use the keywords and in what ways you can and should talk about the keyword.

So the Entity Explorer tells you more about the properties of a keyword, and you therefore know exactly in what context you need to describe the search term to be relevant.

Take a look at the image below, as that is the output of the Entity Explorer on the keyword "soccer.

Entity Explorer example

Why are entities so important to Google?

When I say the word "sofa" to you, what do you think of? Of a couch you can sit on that is made of brown fabric?

Or are you thinking of that place where you can withdraw money, where they have a safe and where you can close an account?

The same goes for the word "leg. Do you think of the leg of a table that is made of wood? Or do you think of the paw of a cat?

Without context and the related entities, a keyword tells you and therefore Google nothing at all. What matters is that Google comes to understand the relationship between the differences words.

For this reason, before you start writing, it is incredibly important to have the entities and context clear.

So you can tailor your content better to that and so you know what to write about.

Sounds good to me

Using the output of the Entity Explorer as input for your content

By now I have been using Entity Explorer for three months. And in the three months, I have used the tool in different ways.

These are them:

  • You can use the output to determine the headings
  • You can use the output to determine which keywords to use in the text (while you are writing)
  • You can use the output during your keyword analysis to determine new keywords
  • You can validate texts by putting the keyword in the Entity Explorer and seeing if the output is reflected in the texts
  • You can add keywords that are new to you while doing a competitive analysis and analysis of a client 's website.

I'm sure you can use the Entity Explorer in more ways than I did. Will you let me know which way you use it?

Difference also asked, answer the public and the entity explorer

Also Asked, Answer The Public and Entity Explorer are all tools designed to help with search engine optimization and content creation, but each serves a different purpose.

For example, Also Asked helps users discover questions related to a particular keyword or topic. It does this by visualizing these questions in a tree diagram, which provides insight into the relationships between questions and helps to delve deeper into the content around important keywords.

Answer The Public provides insight into the questions people ask Google by analyzing Google's autocomplete suggestions. It creates a visually appealing cloud of questions that helps inspire content, with data on search frequency and competition.

Entity Explorer is more focused on the relationship between keywords and their related entities.

It helps users understand in what context keywords can be used, and it provides a comprehensive level of information about the entities themselves.

This is especially important for SEO because Google's algorithms increasingly rely on entities to assess the relevance and authority of content.

Different SEO approach 

Also Asked and Answer The Public are focused on finding questions and searches related to particular topics.

Entity Explorer focuses on understanding the context and relationships of keywords as entities.

All three tools are valuable for SEO and content strategy, but they are used to address different aspects of these disciplines.

Entity explorer and SEO 

So Entity Explorer is a tool that helps identify entities that are related to specific keywords, which is important for SEO.

Search engines increasingly lean on understanding context and relationships between topics.

Users can enter a keyword and then receive a list of related concepts, people and organizations.

This provides a visual representation of the connections that search engines see between the keyword and other relevant entities.

connections between keyword and entities

Strengthening authority with contextual content creation 

These tools enable content creators, marketers and SEO specialists to create deeper, more contextually rich content that better aligns with what search engines consider relevant.

By developing content that includes these related entities, they can improve their visibility in search results and strengthen the authority of their website.

The result is an optimized SEO strategy tailored to the sophisticated mechanisms of search algorithms.

Entity Explorer vs. ChatGPT (AI) 

Entity Explorer and ChatGPT are both sophisticated tools, but they serve different purposes.

Focused specifically on SEO, Entity Explorer helps identify entities and the relationships between them for a given keyword.

This is essential for content creators who want to optimize their material for search engines by gaining deeper insight into how search engines understand topics and their context.

ChatGPT, on the other hand, is an AI-driven language model capable of generating human-like text.

It can answer questions, discuss various topics, and even write creatively, such as composing poems or stories.

Application differences in SEO context 

Although ChatGPT can be used to answer questions about SEO and entities, it does not generate visual entity maps.

Thereby, ChatGPT is not actually designed specifically for search engine optimization either.

The difference lies in the application, Entity Explorer is an analysis and research tool and ChatGPT is a digital writer that performs interactive and textual tasks.

application of entity explorer and chatgpt

So what if you put the word Entity Explorer in the Entity Explorer?

Of course, I couldn't resist... What happens when you put the Entity Explorer in the Entity Explorer?


Unfortunately nothing exciting, because aside from the word "semantic," you have nothing at all.

This article was written on Jan. 20, 2020 and updated on Feb. 27, 2024.

What are entities and why are they important for SEO?

Entities are unique concepts that are clearly distinguishable from other concepts. For SEO, they are important because Google uses entities to better understand the relevance and context of Web content, which helps improve search results.

Is Entity Explorer free?

At the time of writing, Entity Explorer is free to use up to three words.

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