
You often do not know which extension is involved. You can see that a conversion has taken place on page X, but not on .nl/pagina-x And that's what you want, of course.

Fortunately, Google has a handy solution for that. And I explain it in this article.

Step 1: Go to Google Analytics and select the view in question.

Step 2: Right-click on "Filters" within the appropriate view.

filter view google analytics

Step 3: Click on "Add Filter.

Step 4: Fill in exactly the following information:

Filter name: You may enter your own. I always make this: Show full domain.

Filter type: custom and then advanced

Field A: Host name and (.*)

Field B: Request URL and (.*)

Output to: Request URL and $A1$B1.

This should then look like this:

Full domain name filter Analytics

Once you've processed the filter properly, you can check under Behavior -> Site Content -> All Pages to see if it went well.

In the table (under pages) you should then see the full URL. It should not say / or /contact, but something like or

To make the check even easier for, I have also included a screenshot of what this looks like at one of our clients:

example full domain name

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