
The reason why you get these just like that is actually dead simple. And I explain it to you in this article.

But first, back to basics.

What is a home page?

A home page, also known as a link page, is a page containing a variety of different relevant links on the subject of that page.

For example, you can have a home page about online marketing agencies, which in turn has all kinds of links to online marketing agencies. Or a start page about plumbers with all kinds of links to websites of plumbers. Sorted by province, for example.

You can sort of compare it to a kind of digital phone directory, but without phone numbers. So a website directory :-).

home page example

Where did the name home pages come from? is one of the most well-known start pages, which is why we call start pages start pages.

But actually, there are hundreds of different start pages. Think,,, and so on.

So when someone is looking for a start page, they are not necessarily looking for

Now that that's clear, I'll tell you about startup pages now.

A link from a home page is basically the same as a link from another Web site. A home page is not unique or different in that.

What is different with a link from a home page is the value it brings. A link from a relevant website in a blog that deals specifically with your product or service will yield much more than a link from a home page that has 50 links and little else in the way of content.

That does not mean that the link does not add value and does not contribute to better findability. Opinions differ on this, but in my opinion, home pages also belong in a natural link profile and can have an impact on your findability in Google.

The tips and advice I especially have for you here are:

  • Don't request home page links too much
  • Look at the ratio of backlinks (and therefore home page links) of your best-scoring competitors and learn from them
  • Quality always over quantity
  • Relevance is very important!
Home page backlinks examples

Now that you know all about home pages, it's time to tell you how to get those home page backlinks anyway. Without you having to do anything yourself.

Here's the thing:

Anyone can sign up for free to become a home page administrator. This will cost you nothing.

When you want to create a new start page, such a page is called a daughter page. For example,

Virtually every subsidiary page is not published until there are 10, 15 or 20 links on the page. So you, as the administrator, have to pick and place those yourself.

Then if your daughter page is about plumbers in Arnhem, what do you do to get to 10 websites of plumbers from Arnhem as soon as possible?

Right. You google "plumber Arnhem" and then put the top 10 or top 15 on the subsidiary page.

Your page is then live because it has enough links. You are happy about that. And the top 10 plumbers from Arnhem all get a free backlink:-).

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